Revolution Church - Leadership Expectations

Church leadership isn't defined by specific positions or formal titles. Instead, it is a role given to people in the church whose trust in Christ, as well as their love and respect for God's people, can serve as a model for others.

Listed below are the expectations of anyone serving in a leadership position at Revolution Church. 

This includes anyone leading from the platform, ministering to kids/students, leading ministry teams and/or small groups. 

  • Know Jesus as their personal Savior and portray evidence of Christian growth through consistent personal Bible reading and prayer. (John 3:16-17; II Cor. 5:17; II Tim. 2:15-16)

  • Regularly attend church services and church sponsored events for the building of their faith and the encouragement of fellow believers, working to support the pastoral staff and leadership in bringing unity among the body at large (Heb. 10:23¬25; Ps. 84:4)

  • Be obedient to the principles of Biblical stewardship, financially supporting the work of the church and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God.  (Gen. 28:20-22; Malachi 3:8-12; 2 Cor. 9:6, Phil. 4:14-20)

  • Function in their giftedness. (I Cor. 12; Romans 12:4-8)

  • Be flexible. Joy in ministry can be robbed by the enemy due to unexpected changes in our plans. (Prov. 16:9; Prov. 29:1)

  • Maintain confidentiality. In dealing with human weakness, sensitive and unfortunate issues often arise which require maturity that will maintain the proper levels of confidentiality. (Prov. 11:3; Prov. 20:6)

  • Actively pursuing to lead others to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 1:8; Prov. 11:30)

  • Be loyal to the Lord and the leadership that He has placed in His church. Loyalty is defined as, “faithfulness or allegiance.” This means to submit to the leadership and the vision of the church. (Prov. 20:6)

  • Take every opportunity to be an encourager. Looking for the positive traits in all people, as well as abstaining from gossip or information based on hearsay. (Rom. 1:28-32; Eph. 4:31; Rom. 14:4-5; Heb. 10:24-25; Eph. 4:15-16)

  • Seek to keep their life free from any life- controlling substances or issues, realizing the fact that our bodies are the temples of the Holy-Spirit. Abstain from abusing any substance or activity (i.e. sexually immorality, narcotics, nicotine, alcohol, gambling and pornography) that is harmful to one’s person (body, soul, and spirit) is the expectation. ( I Cor. 8:8-13, 6:13; Eph. 2:19-22, Eph. 5:3, Rom. 1:26-28, I Tim. 1:8-11, Prov. 20:1)

  • Build strong relationships with one another and more importantly, with new people, being ambassadors for Christ with a heart for reconciliation, putting aside our personal views (such as politics) and becoming a servant to all men. (Romans 12:9-13, 1 Cor 5:16-21, 1 Cor 9:19-23)

    Revolution Church - Leadership Honor Code

    As an essential part of the Revolution Church Leadership family, we all have a responsibility to develop and exhibit Christian behavior and we should strive to demonstrate Biblical standards in all situations. As a leader, we are the example others are following. 

    This leadership honor code really applies to all Christians, but especially church leaders.  As Christians and leaders at Revolution Church, the way we present ourselves to others is of vital importance to the way others perceive Christ. Our conduct should never be an embarrassment to Christ, but should exemplify the best qualities of a mature believer and servant-leader.  We are to live above reproach, that we will not cause others to stumble or put ourselves in a compromising position. 

    As a leader at Revolution Church, we ask that you refrain from all behaviors which might cause Christ to grieve and others to stumble. 

    Such as:

    • Profanity

    • Gambling

    • Indulging in much wine or other alcoholic beverages

    • Dishonest gain

    • Illicit drugs

    • Pornography

    • Sexual immorality (any sexual activity outside of a sealed marriage covenant between one man and one woman)